Following a successful pilot programme, Hull & East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP) is delighted to announce the launch of The Student Voice for 2023/24.
The Student Voice was commissioned by HEY LEP in partnership with The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) and Hull and East Yorkshire Careers Hub, being delivered by Different Resonance.
A first-of-its-kind programme for Hull and East Yorkshire, the pilot programme during 2022/23 focused on capturing students’ views about careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) within schools.
It aimed to gain insights into the opinions of students across career related topics and had three main priorities. These were:
– To gain insight into the opinions of students on current provision by schools.
– Access careers information and guidance.
– Access the world of work and hopes for the future.
Schools from across the region were involved in the pilot and going forward The Student Voice will aim to work with more schools in the current academic year.
Fiona Headridge, Careers Hub lead at HEY LEP, said: “Given the success of The Student Voice, we are pleased to announce we are continuing this project for another year and we looked forward to involvement more schools in 2023/24.
“Thank you to everyone who has participated in The Student Voice this year. If your school would like to be involved, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
“As well as all the interesting insights we captured, we have also learnt a lot about how to improve the experience for our students. The students’ honesty, energy and commitment have been exceptional.”
A spokesperson from a participating school said: “Employers were enthusiastic to talk to us when they visited our school and we learnt a lot about our local economy.
“I think with the right information and guidance, projects like The Student Voice are brilliant for young people to help them choose prospective career paths.”
Director of Different Resonance, Matt Johnson, added: “Give young people a chance and it will benefit us all in the future. The students today are tomorrow’s employees.”
You can find out more about HEY Careers Hub here and can request a full report of The Student Voice by contacting Careers Hub project manager, Lucy Gray, on