You are welcome to attend the quarterly meeting of the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership’s Skills Network on May 16th at the Middleton Barracks.
The Humber LEP Skills Network brings together key agencies, stakeholders and delivery partners that will provide leadership to the employment and skills agenda in the Humber.
The Network will be used to cascade information about the skills plan, consult on its contents and involve providers in its delivery.
Agenda Item & Approx Time:
1. Welcome, introduction from Danny Brett, Chair Skills Network
2. Review of key points from the February Skills Network 10.00am
3. Skills Advisory Panels – Teresa Chalmers 10.10am
4. Chris Strong – Creativity, Skill of the Future 10.25am
5 Victoria Lightfood, ESFA, Industrial Placements 10.40am
Networking break 11.00am
6. Cadets – Simon Cooper-Banks 11.10am
7. Round Table Discussions 11.25am
8. Update from the LEP Team 11.50am
9. Summary and conclusions including agreed actions. Close and networking 11.55am