On 30th June 2020, the Prime Minister set out the Government’s ‘New Deal’. As part of that announcement, the Prime Minister announced that Government will be making £900m available through the new Getting Building Fund investing in local infrastructure projects to drive economic growth. An allocation of £13.4m was confirmed for the LEP, over 2020/21 and 2021/22.
Funding has been allocated through a competitive process and the Getting Building Fund is investing in projects that create jobs and support economic recovery.
Getting Building Fund is a legacy programme of the Humber LEP. The HEY LEP Board agreed to take on the programme and associated delivery and monitoring requirements in April 2021.
At the point of transition on 31st March 2021, the Getting Building Fund programme was fully committed. Spend and outputs achieved up to this point are summarised in the following document:
Getting Building Fund Spends and Outputs Dashboard
Funded Projects
The following projects have been prioritised and added to the Getting Building Fund programme:
Business Support –
Managed Workspace Programme A – Grovehill Business Centre
Construction of a new, purpose-built business centre and managed workspace.
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Managed Workspace Programme B – BeSpoke & Boulevard Phase 4
The Small Business Space Programme B will build capacity within Hull City Council’s (HCC) managed workspace and unit factory estate portfolio.
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RaisE Business Centre & Innovation Hub
Building of high-tech managed workspace and R&D facilities for SMEs in manufacturing, engineering, and rail supply chains.
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Growing Hull & East Yorkshire
Business Investment grants to SME businesses based in Hull & East Yorkshire
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Infrastructure –
Hull & East Yorkshire Cycle Route Delivery Programme – Phase 1
Programme of cycle infrastructure upgrade and provision of new cycle facilities where there are gaps in the network across the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.
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Delivering Housing Growth (3) – Ings & Wawne (2)
Acceleration of infrastructure works required for the future delivery of new homes.
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Hull & East Yorkshire Highways Resilience Programme
Enhancement of maintenance works to sections of ‘A’ classified roads in the East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull.
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Delivery detail for each project can be found on the corresponding project page.